
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/Awakening the Kundalini.htm
Chapter 8 Awakening the Kundalini The sixth chapter of the Gita begins with a description of the Sannyasin-Yogin who, though engaged in action, is without the expectation of returns from it. He desires no fruit and is not like men hankering after rewards and trophies. Certainly, he is not like those who never light the sacrificial fire and make no offerings to it. As a matter of fact, the real meaning of Sannyasa is to remove the desire that binds the doer of the works with work. The purpose of asceticism and renunciation is only to get rid of the bondage of the lower nature, so that the enlightened will can have its free play in him. By overcomi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/Exordium.htm
Chapter 4 Exordium (Jnaneshwari: 1.1) Om! Salutations to the venerable Foremost, the Veda-propounded, the Pre-eminent; glory be to the Self-Aware, in the nature of Being. Victory! Victory! With this invocation to the Supreme Jnaneshwar begins his poetic composition. The greatness of the Gita is its subject; the leader of the path is none other than Rishi Vyasa himself; the grace of his Guru Nivritti gives him the necessary confidence and capacity to undertake the daunting task; the rapt and attentive audience of saints and simple people encourages him and makes him speak what he is going to speak. The dimensions of the poem thus persp
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/Glory be to the Guru.htm
Chapter 3 Glory be to the Guru The traditional wisdom tells us that you have to give yourself to the Guru in order to be taken over entirely by him for your soul’s and your life’s fulfilment. The mother-child and the father-son are but only two types among the innumerable rela­tionships there can be with the relationless Divine. Not only Father or Mother, he is also Teacher, Master, Lord, Friend, Philosopher, Guide, Precep­tor, Playmate, Com­rade, Lover, even Antagonist. When on the battlefield Arjuna witnessed in the Avatar the aspect of the Dreadful Cosmic Spirit, he repented and spoke of the casualness with which he had behaved with him;* Ravana wished