
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/We_Arrive.htm
Champaklal - The Yogi Before that, as we were sitting in the verandah, we heard someone coming down the stairs. As soon as his foot touched the floor I spontaneously ran forward. I felt it must be Sri Aurobindo. I touched his lotus feet and prostrated myself in sashtanga dandavat pranam [with feet, trunk, shoulders, palms and head touching the floor like a rod - signifying surrender of the whole being]. Then he proceeded to the courtyard. Later I was to learn from the Mother that it was at a corresponding spot on the first floor that she had first seen Sri Aurobindo; that was at 3.30 p.m. on 29th March 1914. And I had, rather I was grante
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Mother^s Lion.htm
-09_Mother^s Lion.htm Champaklal - The Yogi MOTHER'S LION Champaklalji was extremely fond of this photograph of his with the Mother which she captioned it "My Lion". While choosing it as the cover for the Gujarati edition of Champaklal Speaks, he noted this incident: Once, on seeing this photo, Pranab's uncle Charubabu exclaimed, "Mother, here Champaklal looks like Durga's lion!" And Mother forcefully replied, "He is my lion!" "My Lion" - The Mother (1960) (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. Preface x)
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Graphic Designs.htm
Champaklal - The Artist GRAPHIC DESIGNS At one stage Champaklal also did a number of graphic designs with colour pencils or felt-pens. These interesting designs have a spontaneity about them and are far from being conventional patterns or mere decorative motifs. Below are some of his works. (Ref: Champaklal as an artist. 1st Edition. P: 22) Free Hand Design
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Introduction.htm
Champaklal - The Artist This portrait of Champaklal was done in the 1930s by Chinmayee (Mehdi Begum), as a member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It was further worked upon and finished by the Mother, who taught painting to Chinmayee. INTRODUCTION Champaklal was not only a respected member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, but almost an institution in himself. His devoted and meticulous personal service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Marbling.htm
Champaklal - The Artist Marbling Champaklal did over seven hundred paintings by the marbling technique. The Mother gave titles to many of these paintings after looking into the movement of forces they suggested; these revelatory captions focus on the hidden meaning they represent. To those who are sensitive in their imagination and can feel the inner impact of these pictures, they bring a strong sense of the wondrous - an outburst of light and delight taking mystic and dynamic colour shapes through the inspiration of an artist who has striven to lose himself in the Unknown. We may say that
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/My Silence.htm
Champaklal - The Yogi ABOUT MY SILENCE Man's normal daily interactions proceed through the medium of words and gestures. This medium is so handy and easy that we do not realise its importance and it is to a great extent even misused. When I decided to set aside the medium of speech, it was natural that people were perplexed and sometimes I was asked about it. A friend wrote to me asking for an explanation: "Some people are saying that Champaklal has been keeping mauna because of some throat disease and Sri Aurobindo asked him to observe silence so that it might not spread." But when there never was any such disease, where was the question of its spreadi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Paintings.htm
Champaklal - The Artist PAINTINGS Two Lotuses I wanted to offer something to the Mother. And I got the idea of painting two lotuses, one white and the other red. Curiously, I received two beautiful lotuses and took up the painting. But due to other work I could not finish them in a day. These too, like my other paintings, I did during my lunch time as it gave me great joy. It took some days before I could finish them little by little. Naturally it would have been better if the colouring could have been done in one sitting. However the result was not bad and it was with great joy that I took the painti
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/Visions.htm
Champaklal - The Artist Visions There are also a few paintings in which Champaklal has attempted to translate his visions into form and colour. These have a boldness of colour and originality of conception so natural to him! Below are some paintings with their symbolic interpretations by Sri Aurobindo. (Ref: Champaklal as an artist. 1st Edition. P: 22) Fire of Aspiration Champaklal's vision painted
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi/The Grace Arranges My Work.htm
Champaklal - The Yogi THE GRACE ARRANGES MY WORK One day I said to Mother: "Mother, I would like to wash my father's dhoti." She smiled and said that she would ask Sri Aurobindo. The next day when I went to Sri Aurobindo he looked at me and said: "You want to wash my dhoti?" "Magnificent Champaklal, you look like a great yogi." 14.3.1968 The Mother C: "Yes." Sri Aurobindo: "Are you ready?" looked at him in surprise and wondered why he asked that. Sri Aurobindo: "You know, people will moc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Prayers and Aspirations/ In Thy Presence Alone.htm
   In Thy Presence Alone   Guided by my old beliefs (2)       Led by my old beliefs, Blinded by my old habits, (2) If I happen to go against Thy will, (2)       Your Champak prays today,       Prays today: (2)   On this pure, happy auspicious Gurupurnima Day, (2) Spreading Your presence everywhere, in all places, (2) In Your presence only, in Your presence alone, (2) Keep me, keep me, keep me, keep me, keep me,     In Your presence alone, Keep me always constantly at Your feet (3) O .. . Ma, O ... Ma .... Keep me always constantly at Thy feet, Thy feet, Thy feet.