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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/The Religion Of Humanity.htm
* THE RELIGION OF HUMANITY*      The question then ares, how out of this purely formal unity a real psychological unity can be created and whether it can be made a living ineness. For a mere formal, mechanical, administrative, political and economic union does not necessarily create a psychological unity. None of the great empires have yet succeeded in doing that, and even in tha Roman where some sense of unity did come into being, it was nothing very close and living; it could not withstand all shocks from within and withoutm, it could not prevent what was much more dangerous, the peril of decay and devitalisation which the diminution of the natural elements of fre
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/World-Union Or World-State.htm
WORLD-UNION OR WORLD-STATE*   this then in principle is the history of the growth of the State. It is a history of strict unification by the development of a central authority and of growing uniformity in administration, legislation, social and economic life and culture and the chief means of culture, education and language. In all the central authority becomes more and more the determining and regulating power. The process culminates by the transformation of this governing sole authority or soveregn power from the rule of the central executive man or the capable class into that of a body whose proposed function is to represent the thought and will of the whole
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/Spiritual Philosophy.htm
* SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY*       An intellectual approach to the highest knowledge, the mind's possession of it, is an indispensable aid to this movement of Nature in the human being. Ordinarily, on our surface, man's chief instrument of thought and action is the reason, the observing, understanding and arranging intellect. In any total advance or evolution of the spirit, not only the intuition, insight, inner sense, the heart's devotion, a deep and direct life-experience of the things of the spirit have to be developed, but the intellect also must be enlightened and satisfied; our thinking and reflecting mind must be helped to understand, to form a reasoned and systematis
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/Sri Aurobindo His Life.htm
    Section One   SRI AUROBINDO - HIS LIFE AND TEACHING     SRI AUROBINDO : HIS LIFE   SriAurobindo was born in Calcutta on August 15,1872. In 1879, at the age of seven, he was taken with his two elder brothers to England for education and lived there for fourteen years. Brought up at first in an English family at Manchester, he joined St. Paul's School in London in 1885 and in 1890 went from it with a senior classical scholarship to King's College, Cambridge, where he studied for two years. In 1890 he passed also the open competition for the Indian Civil Service, but at the end of two years of probation failed to present himself at the ridi
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/The Human Aspiration.htm
    Section Two   SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF SRI AUROBINDO     THE HUMAN ASPIRATION   She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming,-Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine ? She desires the ancient mornings and fulfils their light; projecting forwards her illumination she enters into communion with the rest that are to come,   Kutsa Angirasa-Rig Veda.1     Threefold are those supreme births of
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/Social Evolution.htm
* SOCIAL EVOLUTION*   The social evolution of the human race is necessarily a development of the relations between three constant factors, individuals, communities of various sorts and mankind. Each seeks its own fulfilment and satisfaction, but each is compelled to develop them not in dependently but in relation to the others. The first natural aim of the individual must be his own inner growth and fullness and its expression in his outer life; but this he can only accomplish through his relations with other individuals, to the various kinds of community religious, social, cultural and poltical to which he belongs and to the idea and need of humanity at large. The communit
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/The Ideal of Human Unity.htm
THE IDEAL OF HUMAN UNITY*   In other words,-and this is the conclusion at which we arrive, -while it is possible to construct a precarious and quite mechanical unity by political and administrative means, the unity of the human race, even if achieved, can only be secured and can only be made real if the religion of humanity, which is at present the highest active ideal of mandking, spiritualises itself and becomes the general inner law of human life.   The outward unity may well ahieve itself, possibly though by no means certainly, in a measurable time-because that is the inevitable final trend of the working of Nature in human society which makes for larger and yet larger aggrega
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/Envoi.htm
* ENVOI *       The Brahman, the Absolute is the Spirit, the timeless Self, the Self possessing Time, Lord of Nature, creator and continent of the cosmos and immanent in all existences, the Soul from whom all soul derive and to whom they are drawn,- that is the truth of Being as man's highest God-conception sees it. The same Absolute revealed in all relativities, the Spirit who embodies Himself in cosmic Mind and Life and Matter and of whom Nature is the self of energy so that all she seems to create is the Self and Spirit variously manifested in His own being to His own conscious force for the delight of His various existence, - this is the truth of being to which man's knowledge of Nat
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/The Builders Of The New Age.htm
* THE BUILDERS OF THE NEW AGE *       Therefore the individuals who will most help the future of humanity in the new age will be those who will recognise a spiritual evolution as the destiny and therefore the great need of the human being. Even as the animal man has been largely converted into a mentalised and at the top a highly mentalised humanity, so too now or in the future an evolution or conversion-it does not greatly matter which figure we use or what theory we adopt to support it-of the present type of humanity into a spiritualised humanity is the need of the race and surely the intention of Nature; that evolution or conversion will be their ideal and endeav
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/Sri Aurobindo on Humanities/Synthesis of yoga.htm
THE SYNTHESIS OF YOGA I LIFE AND YOGA     In the right view both of life and of Yoga all life is either consciously or subconsiously a Yoga. For we mean by this term a methodised effort towards self-perfection by the expression of the potentialities latent in the being and a union of the human individual with the universl and transcendent Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Commos. But all life, when we look behind its appearances, is a vast Yoga of Nature attempting to realise her perfection in an ever increasing experssion of her potentialities and to unite herself with her own divine reality. In man, her thinker, she for the first time