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I was born at Matvad, near Navsari
on 12th Oct, 1926. Studied at Matvad Primary School and went to
Navsari for further study.
I went to Northen Rhodesia (now
Zambia) in 1941 and for further education I had to go to
Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).
I am married, our eldest daughter
Asha studied at the Ashram School and stayed as a shadhika from
1972. Our two daughters were also given permission to study at
the Ashram School, but we couldn't make it, so our 4 daughters
settled in U.
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/What does the Lord want.htm
What does the Lord want ?
An Unpublished talk of the Mother to Huta
It was on 4th October 1963, when I went to the Mother. I showed her a
message given by her:
" What have you given to the Lord or done for Him
that you ask the Mother to do something for You ?
She does only the Lord's Work. "
I wondereed, what does the Lord want as He has everything? What can be done for
Him, as He is capable of doing everything?
And here is the Mother's reply :
"The Lord doesn't demand anything except Surrender. Your wish, your want, your
will, your thoughts and feelings, you must offer
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/Some Lines from Savitri.htm
I guide man to the path of the Divine
And guard him from the red Wolf and the Snake.
I set in his mortal hand my heavenly sword
And put on him the breastplate of the gods.
I break the ignorant pride of human mind
And lead the thought to the wideness of the Truth ;
I rend man's narrow and successful life
And force his sorrowful eyes to gaze at the sun
That he may die to earth and live in his soul.
I know the goal, 1 know the secret route :
I have studied the map of the invisible worlds ;
I am the ba
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/The Mother^s Reply to Mother, Where Are You.htm
The Mother's Reply to" Mother, Where Are You?"
(Questions and Answers)
Q: O Mother, what should I do? I am completely unconscious. Mother, Where are
You ?
In your psychic being - I am always present there. It is there that you can
find me and must find me, and when you have found me there, in the depths of
your heart, you will also recognise me in my physical form.
Q: Mother, I shall capture You in my heart...
You will not have to go far to seize me, for I am already in your heart and
as soon as your eyes are opened you will see me there; turn your faculty of
feeling inward instead of letting it project outwa
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/Opening to the Universal - The Mother.htm
I knew young people who had always lived in cities-in a city and in those little
rooms one has in the big cities in which everyone is huddled. Now, they had come
to spend their holidays in the countryside, in the south of France, and there
the sun is hot, naturally not as here but all the same it is very hot (when we
compare the sun of the Mediterranean coasts with that of Paris, for example, it
truly makes a difference), and so when they walked around the countryside the
first few days they really began to get a terrible headache and to feel
absolutely uneasy because of the su
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/Most Effective Way of Conquering Desires.htm
Most Effective Way of Conquering Desires
Usually all education, all culture, all refinement of the senses and the being
is one of the best ways of curing instincts, desires, passions. To eliminate
these things does not cure them; to cultivate, intellectualise, refine them,
this is the surest means of curing. To give the greatest possible development
for progress and growth, to acquire a certain sense of harmony and exactness of
perception, this is a part of the culture of the being, of the education of the
being. It is like the people who cultivate their intelligence, who learn, read,
think, compare, study. These people's minds widen and they are mu
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/Mother Answers.htm
Mother Answers
To a sadhak who has lived in the Sri Aurobindo
Ashram since 1963. He
corresponded with the
Mother between 1966 and 1970.
(The Mother asked the disciple to formulate four prayers.)
The four
prayers are formulated thus:
Let the psychic dominate my whole being.
Let the
divine purity fill me.
Let me belong solely and integrally to You.
Let me unite
with the Divine.
Now it is Your turn, isn't it, O Divine Mother, to grant
my prayers and make me succeed!
VERY well, the prayers are granted. As for the speed of success, it depe
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/A Cure by Repression of Desires.htm
A Cure by Repression of Desires
Desire belongs to the vital domain but at the core of this desire there is
always a thought, and the desire becomes all the more active and dynamic when it
holds in itself the power of mental formation and the power of vital realisation.
The vital is the centre of dynamism of the being, of active energy, and the two
combined make something very strong which has a considerable tendency towards realising itself - besides, everything in the universe tends towards
manifestation, and things which are prevented from manifesting lose, by that
very fact, their force and capacity. Most of the methods aiming at self-control
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When pain comes, it comes to teach us something. The quicker we learn it, the
more the need for pain diminishes, and when we know the secret, it will no
longer be possible to suffer, for that secret reveals to us the reason, the
cause, the origin of suffering and the way to pass beyond it.
The secret is to emerge from the ego, get out of its prison, unite ourselves
with the Divine, merge into Him, not to allow anything to separate us from Him.
Then, once one has discovered this secret and realises it in one's being, pain
loses its justification and suffering disappears. It is an all-powerful remedy,
not only in the deeper parts of the being, in the so
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Other Centers/B G Patel/English/The Mother^s Light/The Most Important Surrender.htm
The Most Important Surrender
(Words of the Mother)
Q: Does not surrender consist in offering one's work like a good servant ?
Work is a good discipline. But it is not this idea, it is not the idea of a
passive, unconscious and almost involuntary submission. It is not that. It does
not lie only in work.
The most important surrender is the surrender of your character, your way of
being, so that it may change. If you do not surrender your very own nature,
never will this nature change. It is this that is most important. You have
certain ways of understanding, certain ways of reacting, certain ways of
feeling, almost cert