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Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Amrita/The_Mother_with_Nolini_Kanta_Gupta,_Robi_Ganguli,_Amrita_and_Udar_Pinto.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Amrita/The_Mother_with_Nolini_Kanta_Gupta,_Champaklal_and_Amrita.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Amrita/Amrita_and_Nolini_Kanta_Gupta_with_Chinmoy_and_Kalipada.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Amrita/The_Mother_with_Amrita,_Nolini_Kanta_Gupta,_Andre_Morisset_and_others_at_the_Playground.jpg
Beauty standing motionless
in meditation is beauty of form,
Beauty moving and shining in meditation is
beauty of life,
Beauty thinking in
meditation is beauty of thought—
The Spirit of beauty is
thus standing, moving and thinking
from the far off beyonds.
Man first sought for the beautiful in the
body of creation draped in all forms.
She was too unmoving for him and was
standing wondrous and elusive.
Then defeated in his quest he sought for her in
the quick life of all creation.
There too she was too quick for him
and was moving wondrous and elusive.
Then again he sough
The Scene I Saw
It was for the first time
I got up to the first floor of Sri Aurobindo's house. In the long verandah
overlooking the wide courtyard below, there were big windows giving a wide view
southwards... all the doors of all the rooms were open... Everywhere and on
everything there fell an all-revealing light, nothing but light... nothing was
seen covered or screened, nothing was unrevealed... no spot hidden from
light... My heart too, unwittingly, with no doors to close or conceal anything,
free of confusion or perplexity, wide-open, soared up in sheer delight! I was
in this state and Sri Aurobindo stood there, his eyes gazing southwards... His
small feet appeared t