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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Lotus -lamp.htm
As the lotus of a lamp
Swims in one place
On the gutter's gurgle and jump
And scurry without grace—
As that cool blossom floats
Like a silver stain
Made by deep organ-notes
On a painter's brain—
Trembling a little and breaking
Yet clinging as one,
Stamped on the water's waking
Like a dream-sun
That nothing of crude clay
Can touch or move—
So, fixed though far away,
Some haloed Love
Shines down its secret soul,
Flame-flower with no root,
Which life with its slushy roll
Leaves still and mute,
A birth-mark out of a womb
Deeper than thought,
Flinging a godlike doom
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/The absolute dream.htm
The Absolute Dream
Most heart-consuming, most intensely cold,
A statue of unbearable loveliness
Above all intimate warm divinity,
Stands the white figure of the Absolute Dream
Breaking us with a bliss no life can hold.
Each heaven falls back from this Ineffable.
That smiling mouth is sealed, those great eyes locked,
The beatific limbs stay gestureless;
But by their sovereign secrecy of stone
All splendour is shaken to exceed itself:
We are drawn to a depth of trance that has no end,
We are lured into eternal distances,
We yearn for ever on from light to light
Since no reply the marble mystery makes.
So beautiful tha
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Demi-monde.htm
In a deep dusk between the known
Day and the night which broods alone,
There moves—with primrose-sparkles thrown
Across—the shady-pathed beyond
Of a superhuman demi-monde.
That wayward mystery we outcast,
Deeming its free heart-flame too fast,
Too wandering and too multiform:
We love the mind's clear-bodied norm
And not this wile of distant hue
Across a shimmer of nectar-dew—
Strange lure of the unnamable,
Soliciting our lips to cease
Their oaths of rigid loyalties
And mutely summoning us to break
Out of the marriage of thought and speech
Towards the thought no word can reach,
No cry of intellect ove
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/What is truth.htm
What is Truth
A gelong the query, "What is truth?"
To catch on an ecstatic tongue
The answer that keeps men ever young,
Men lose their youth!
Wrinkling and gray, we lapse to the ground—
Eyes dim, mouth pale, hands helpless grown.
The answer that brings all rapture's tone
Is never found....
Never—until the eyelids drop,
The mouth falls silent suddenly:
Alone the hands, a blind dumb cry,
Are lifted up,
As though to explore strange voids of sleep
Hanging beyond all universe,
Calm spaces no astronomer's
Long glass can sweep—
Invisible infinity
Where dream, like perfect stars, the pure
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Unbirthed.htm
Agrip is broken loose
Within my chest—
Titan steel jointures part
Their deep-grey rest
In some blind cosmic plan
Solidding night
To crypt the fire that is man,
To dungeon the height
His dreamful mind remembers . . .
With a shining start,
Suddenly rapture-russet,
A hammer is the heart!
Golden beat upon beat
Wounds the black room,
Like a burst of rhythmic suns
Through vaulted gloom.
Ruined is the house of birth,
Time's steel is scrap,
And where the Shadow brooded
Is a glowing gap.
Eagles of truth sweep down
With their prophecies,
Doves of divine desire
Wing u
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Greatness of the earth.htm
Greatness of Earth
G reatnessof earth—high mountain, ocean deep—
God's solar zenith, watching it, shall find
No difference ' twixt small thinker and huge mind!
Between sea-level andthe
Himalaya's leap,
shore-level and the Pacific's plunge,
Full five miles stretch-five
miles that ever sound
Marvellous, the earth's
sublime, the earth's profound,
But a mere nought the
astronomers expunge
From calculation of the
grandeured gap
Across which throws the pure
transcendent noon
Its shadow-banishing
universal boon
As if the uneven earth were
a single lap!
The Glory and the Power beyond all clay,
Poised in a mystic vac
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Artist almighty.htm
Artist Almighty
How shall mortality's grey golden to God?. . .
Behind earth's law a luminous liberty laughs.
O it can break a lotus from blind stone,
A sun from voidnesses of midnight's black!
Our life is a divine desire's domain:
Over us lords a splendouring secrecy—
Eternal wizard of the absolute eye,
Artist almighty, colour's infinite Czar.
Within him all things grow one single self:
The universal harmony of his heart
Gives him the power to paint man's body anew:
He keeps the bright salvation of our clay.
But 'twixt his freedom and our fixities
A vast blank washing each time-hue away
Hangs its miraculous sleep
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/^O moslem men^.htm
-060_^O moslem men^.htm
"O Moslem Men..."
"O moslem men, keep all your gazes down!"
Cries the firm law to the fire-heart of love:
The dusky earth shall ease the crimson ache
And pull the outflung arms to a limp rest.
But ever the dawn-break of woman's smile
Calls us to pink horizons of delight,
And vain the stern will of the moralist
Who, chaining thought to the soil's reticence,
Would curb the flame within from leaping far!
How shall such fetter soothe life's huge desire?
No cure is here for those wide open wounds,
The eyes smitten with wonder and witchery.
Alone the mystic comes with healing hands.
Uplifting them, he shows the true releas
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/Fate of the psyche.htm
Fate of the Psyche
Pierced by a shaft
Of golden ray
From a sky that laughed
Through endless day,
The human heart
Has hung impaled
Midway the dart
Come from the Unveiled
To the hidden house
Below the earth,
Where angels drowse,
Padlocked from mirth.
Like some bright key
To that lost room,
The pole's reverie
Wakes the God-gloom.
The captived cry
Of heaven to heaven
Lifts from hell's eye
Where time has striven
Vainly to reach
The eternal noon.
The silvering speech
Climbs—a festoon—
The silent bar
Planted upright
Between the sun-star
And the fl
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Adventure Of The Apocalypse/The golden hand.htm
The Golden Hand
A golden hand has plucked the deep heart's string
To outward space, but a dark hand has kept
It ever drawn away from the inward rest.
How shall it tremble into melody
If never the grip lets go? The plucking power
Was meant for music, not for the outward's spell . . .
Nor must the string be loosened to fall asleep
After one ravishing note uttering all heaven:
The rapturous rest was made to be pulled forth,
Since not else God can grow world-harmony.
A traffic to and fro 'twixt heaven and earth
And not earth-tension or heaven-calm is the goal.
Music for ever, music above all,
Music to marry the two extr