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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/Revivalism and Secularism.htm
Revivalism and Secularism AGAIN and again in current Indian politics feelings have run high about the issue of the Secular State and the question has sprung to the fore: Should our country, with its huge Hindu majority, be revivalist or, because of its multi-communal character, secular? If we are to see straight, the confusion which hangs round the terms "revivalism" and "secularism" must be cleared. People who call themselves progressive look upon all revivalist tendencies as if they were the plague: they understand these tendencies to be pure and unadulterated communalism. Intolerant Hindu sectarianism on the rampage is their notion of whoever seems to b
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/The Central Sarojini.htm
The Central Sarojini INDEED we have lost many things with the passing of Sarojini Naidu, but what exactly was her central quality, what constituted the very heart of her genius? It is always desirable to ask such a question, for in answering it we get clear of the plethora of conventional or merely emotional panegyric, arrive at the true nature of our loss and, by arriving at it, are best enabled to keep astir in ourselves what the departed greatness had most attempted to evoke. The central Sarojini is summed up in the words: happy visionary. The description must not mislead us. It does not mean a dweller in either the ivory tower or the fool's paradise. Saroj
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/Dates of Publication of the Articles in Mother India.htm
Dates of Publication of the Articles in 'Mother India' Indian Nationalism at Its Truest How Shall We Grow in Greatness? Our Ancient Wisdom and Its Genuine Revival Our Real National Anthem The Ideal Flag for India Pacifism and the Indian Spirit The Significance of the English Language in India Sri Aurobindo - The Poet: Rejoinders to Recent Criticisms The Central Sarojini A Defence of Hinduism The Real Gandhi: An Impartial Estimate of His Greatness Revivalism and Secularism August 15: Its World-Significance The Passing of Sri Aurobindo: Its Inner
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/The Passing of Sri Aurobindo Its Inner Significance and Consequence.htm
The Passing of Sri Aurobindo: Its Inner Significance and Consequence I "No one can write about my life because it is not on the surface for men to see" - this is what Sri Aurobindo said when the idea of a definitive biography was mooted. There is no doubt that, except perhaps for his brilliant academic career in England and the early phases of his fiery political period in India, his life was too deeply inward for its utmost sense and motive and achievement to be unravelled by a narration of external events supplemented by a psychological commentary. To arrive at some vision of it one would have
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/Pacifism and the Indian Spirit.htm
Pacifism and the Indian Spirit THE ideal of peace is felt by every Indian to be as old as India herself and ingrained in her immemorial culture: one of our best known scriptural phrases is the ancient Vedic message, sarva janah sukhino bhavantu, "let all people live in happiness through peace." But "peace" is a veritable proteus of a word. There can be a dead peace as well as a living one. Was it not said by Tacitus about the conquest of Germany by the Romans: Solitudinem faciunt et pacem appellant, "They make a desert and call it peace" ? Nor is it necessary to put a country to the sword in order to create the peace that is dead. If a country is eith
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/The Spiritual Life and World-Problems Two Letters to a Seeker.htm
The Spiritual Life and World-Problems: Two Letters to a Seeker I I BELIEVE you have sincerity of search. It seems to me that what you have to do is to let this sincerity take as much effect as possible by bringing up the true Godward strain in you which at present appears to be a little mixed up with the ethico-social urge. Not that the two need be at loggerheads; but the former should subsume the latter and not vice versa. I come now to the specific points you have raised. A person who is frustrated and unhappy can make others happy by doing his best to keep his frustration and unhappiness in the backgrou
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/The Mind and Spirit of Our Age Dilip Kumar Roy^s Interviews with Five World-Figures.htm
-024_The Mind and Spirit of Our Age Dilip Kumar Roy^s Interviews with Five World-Figures.htm The Mind and Spirit of Our Age: Dilip Kumar Roy's Interviews with Five World-Figures Dilip Kumar Roy was a famous Bengali musician, poet, novelist and disciple of Sri Aurobindo. Several of his articles appeared in 'Mother India'. (K.D.S. 2004) " AMONG the Great"1 - a book of conversations packed with pleasure and instruction, a book that is in the short compass of 367 pages and at a trifling expense a most fascinating guide to the mind and spirit of our age as manifested in five outstanding personalities! And the fact that it is such a guide is due in no small measure to the auth
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/The Real Gandhi An Impartial Estimate of His Greatness.htm
The Real Gandhi: An Impartial Estimate of His Greatness IN psycho-analytic practice there is a well-known method of testing our instinctive responses, plumbing our spontaneous idea-associations. A number of carefully chosen words are spoken to us and we have to blurt out without a moment's thought the words that rise up in our minds. Well, if any Indian is psycho-analytically pelted with the term "Swaraj", the rebound in most cases will be the name "Gandhi". You would say this is but natural. Yes, natural it is, since Gandhi stood in the forefront of the political scene here for the last three decades. And yet the respons
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/Indian Nationalism as Its Truest.htm
Indian Nationalism at Its Truest THE word "Nationalism" is very much in the air of an awakened and resurgent Asia. But, apart from opposition to colonial rule by the West as well as to the spread of Moscow-dictated Communism, what light exactly may be considered as thrown by India on this important word? We need to ask ourselves what Indian Nationalism is. For, on the answer will depend our own future and the role we shall play in world-history. Indian Nationalism is not a simple phenomenon: it has many meanings and directions. All who have fired the Indian heart and fought for the independence of our country have contributed some special colour to
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Indian Spirit and the World^s Future/Introduction.htm
Introduction If reprinting of books was a matter of felt needs, then arguably, no authorial venture by a follower of Sri Aurobindo would merit as much importance as The Indian Spirit and the World's Future by K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran). The book was published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram more than five decades back in 1953, after the passing of Sri Aurobindo. The essays that comprised the book then (and most are being retained in the present edition) were from the editorial contributions, either openly avowed or under the pen name 'Libra' to the fortnightly review Mother India that later became a monthly. The rationale for the publication that was offered