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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/Little Known Facets of the Immortal Diamond.htm
-40_Little Known Facets of the Immortal Diamond.htm
Known Facets of the Immortal Diamond
IF THE term "myriad-minded" could be applied to anybody with
justice, Amal richly deserves it. It is not uncommon to find jacks of all
trades with a kind of shallow omniscience.
To be a first-rate poet uttering overhead notes, a superb critic with
a mastery over "the heart and art of poetry", a rare type of
historian with imagination and insight, a keen student of scientific thought
and for some time even a commentator on the contemporary political scene is
to be only in the truest sense of the term an Aurobindonian.
On the occasion of his ninetieth birthday it is good t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/The Legend of Amal Kiran.htm
The Legend of Amal
FROM the time I came to Pondicherry as a small boy in the year
1946, I had heard the name of Amal Kiran together with that of Harindranath
Chattopadhyaya, of Dilip Kumar
Roy, Arjava and a few others as the poets inspired
and moulded by Sri Aurobindo
himself. Those were indeed the halcyon days of the Ashram at least as far as
the Arts and Culture were concerned, for then it was a case of turn but a
corner and start a poet. One could not take a step without brushing against a
famous poet or painter or musician or thinker or scholar. Nolinikanto,
Nishikanto, Dilip Kumar, Bhismadev, Sahana Devi, Monod-Herzen, Sanjivan,
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/Amal-Kiran Full Name as Written by Sri Aurobindo.htm
Content of Warm Sunshine
Blessing from The Morher
( A letter from Sri Aurobindo)
Page - 7
N. B: The Letter was written to Amal
Kiran on 28. 2. 28 - Editors
Page - 8
( Diary
record of an interview and two letters )
Page - 9
Sri Aurobindo's reply written in pencil:
Your account of
the conversation with Mother is quite accurate.
Mother is letting you go now because she t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/My Wonderful Teacher.htm
Wonderful Teacher
THE MOTHER arranged my reading Savitri with Amal Kiran (K.D.
Sethna) in 1962.
Sri Aurobindo had first introduced Savitri to Amal in private drafts
and written to him most of the letters that are now published along with the
For the first time Amal and I met in 1961 upstairs in the passage which
connects the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's rooms. I casually asked him about a
chessboard, because the Mother and I were doing something on the theme. He
drew it and made me understand it.
When we started our reading of Savitri, some interested people warned
Amal against me and asked him to discontinue. A
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/Amal Kiran^s Letter to Sri Aurobindo on Savitri.htm
-08_Amal Kiran^s Letter to Sri Aurobindo on Savitri.htm
Amal Kiran's
Letter to Sri Aurobindo on Savitri
We reproduce in
the following Amal Kiran's
letter to Sri Aurobindo on Savitri
as it appears in the Sri Aurobindo Circle (Special
Fiftieth Number) of 1994. The editor's note, briefly excerpted, introducing
the correspondence between them precedes the letter. Sri Aurobindo's
reply as originally dictated to Nirodbaran is not
reproduced here. — Editors
(Sri Aurobindo used to send by instalments,
from 25 October 1936 onward for some time, a
handwritten copy of his Savitri as it stood
then to Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna), and it grew an established, practice that the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/A Latinised Adjective in English.htm
A Latinised Adjective in English
A Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo
Here is a brief but bold discussion between Amal Kiran and Sri
Aurobindo showing the depth of their scholarship in matters English
but, more than that, a very unconventional Guru-Shishya relationship
which would have been dubbed arrogant, if not blasphemous, on part
of the disciple by the earlier tradition. - Editors
A HUMOROUS discussion with Sri Aurobindo
about a Latinised adjective for poetic use may not be out of place
here. For it links up ultimately with a poem of his own. I put to
him questions and he replied.
In my lines —
This heart grew brighter w
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/Approaching the Poetry of Amal Kiran.htm
the Poetry of Amal Kiran
THE Collected Poems (1993) of Amal Kiran appropriately takes the
name of his very first anthology, The Secret Splendour. Over more than
four decades, "the secret splendour" of Amal Kiran's poetry has
been unveiled in a number of collections, now brought together for the
benefit of poetry lovers: The Secret Splendour, Overhead Poetry, The
Adventure of the Apocalypse, Altar and Flame, Uncollected Works, Eros/Known
and Unknown and a selection from the earlier days named Images from
Early Moods. A collection of this nature that spans practically a whole
lifetime is bound to display variation in ter
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/A Glimpse of the Pure Ray.htm
A Glimpse of the Pure Ray
A FEW glimpses of Shri Amal, Amalda, Amalbhai or Amalji ?
Well, considering his imposing personality, I should call Shri
Amaldabhaiji! But then, being what he is, he wouldn't like any of these
appendages - so Amal, ‘pure’ and simple!
Though I feel that it is a privilege to write on Amal, when asked to do so I
hesitated because there are so many big people writing about his colossal
knowledge, his generosity in literary help, his wonderful sense of humour,
his capacity to laugh at himself, his cheerfulness and last but not the
least, his formidable memory.
I was just wondering what to write - n
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/The Triple Labour of Association.htm
The Triple
Labour of Association
TO HAVE known Amal Kiran was a grace, an unanticipated and clearly an
undeserved benediction. For how is one to anticipate or deserve an encounter
destined to alter the entire focus of one's life? That providential meeting
occurred for me more than twenty years ago at a critical moment of my life
when a great difficulty faced me in publishing my two volumes, Glimpses of
the Mother's Life. Amal Kiran opened his heart and poured love and
compassion on a budding writer.
I started compiling from 1973 the Mother's autobiographical accounts. I was
fortunate enough that I had the privilege to have guid
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Amal Kiran Poet and Critc/Abundance of Beauty.htm
His study of Divining Thought
According to
Horace's Ars Poetica
a good poem comes both with spontaneous naturalness and well-cultivated
craft, combining a lot of book-learning and inspiration. Amal-Kiran's
poetry is not only good, but is something more than that: it breathes the joy
of the spirit in its wide-ranging manifestive
life-urges and is luminous, even at times profoundly revelatory, carrying
delights and splendours of the psychic-lyrical, or
of the overhead. It is trans-Horatian. Indeed, to
put it more explicitly, it is Aur