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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/Shakespeare and Things to Come.htm
Shakespeare and "Things to Come"
Up to now Shakespeare remains among English poets a "topless tower"
— sole and inexplicable. Inexplicable in his inspired prolificity, and not, as the Baconians urge, by having masterpieces ascribed to his "ill-educated" mind. It is argued that what tells against his authorship of the plays is not only their success as literature but also their being packed with versatile learning. One has, however, just to point out Bernard Shaw and ask: What efficient school-education did he have to equip him for his excellence in the field of letters? Shaw is nowhere near Shakespeare as a creative genius, but the fact stands that, without academic
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/precontent.htm
Adventures in Criticism
The Integral Life Foundation
P.O. Box 239
Waterford CT. 06385
First published 1996
(Typeset in 10.5/13 Palatino)
© Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna)
Published by
The Integral Life Foundation, U.S.A.
Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry
J606 (94)/500/96
-004_A great pioneer of yogic poetry-an appraisement of AE^s inspiration
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-004_A great pioneer of yogic poetry-an appraisement of AE^s inspiration
A Great Pioneer of Yogic Poetry:
An Appraisement of AE's Inspiration
It was in starlight that I heard of AE's death. I do not know if he died also under the stars, but there could have been no better time to hear of his passing. For often he must have shut his eyes in tranced forgetfulness of earth at this deep and passionless hour: he was one of those to whom meditation and self-communion was the truest life, and he has told us how those little gemlike songs of his early days came to him pure and perfect out of the profound hush into which he had plunged his mind. I remember my own joy on first realising what his poetry discl
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/A Plea for Spenser.htm
A Plea for Spenser
Among great English poets the one who has suffered in these days of jangling nerves and psycho-analytic aberrations the utmost neglect because of his matter, mood and manner is Edmund Spenser. To the modern mind with its personal and introspective bent he seems quite useless, especially as he expended his imagination on themes which do not interest us any more, the age of chivalry and Una being more irrevocably gone than even that of the Canterbury pilgrims. In fact, whatever customs and figures of Chaucer's time may have fallen into obsolescence, the main stuff of his creation still corresponds to life's play around us, and that is why Spenser is as good as
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/Pegasus and The White Horse of G.K. Chesterton.htm
Pegasus and "The White Horse"
of G.K. Chesterton
It is often thought that to call G.K. Chesterton a poet is to mistake for the high and authentic light of inspiration mere rhetorical shades masquerading as poetic significances. But the fact is that in G.K.C. there is a genuine poet buried under the clever journalist. His mass of militant controversies has obscured the silver bow of poetic power which he brought in his multifarious armoury; the too frequent thunder of his excursions on a ponderous-bodied though nimble-footed charger of prose style has led us to forget that on occasion he rides out on a more Pegasus-like hoof-stroke. In sh
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/The Poetic Experience.htm
The Poetic Experience
If poetry is to glow with true beauty it must rise from living experience. This is not to rule out the Ariels of song: imagination may weave rainbows upon a delicate air, but the rainbows must be a genuine revelation and no coloured falsity. In other words, poetry is not confined to facts of mere earth: it can float in more tenuous regions, but it must create an impression that these regions, however incredible to the normal mind, do exist behind or beyond the familiar and tangible loveliness. The sole criterion, therefore, is: Does poetry come with an authentic power or no? Keats's magic casements may be only the eyes of daydream, they may exist only in
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/Poetic Appreciation-Prejudices,Principles,Perversities.htm
Poetic Appreciation
Prejudices, Principles, Perversities
Whoever wishes to catch the essence of poetry must throw aside all his pet prejudices about both the matter and the manner of art. No doubt, poetry of a particular type holds a special appeal for him, but that should not debar him from distilling the last drop of enjoyment from other types of verse or lead him to label them as artistic failures. For, all art is an attempt to express the various forces of man's being in a beautifully measured way, and so long as the measure of beauty is somehow obtained it would be preposterous as well as pitifully self-privative to denounce fr
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/The Poet and His Daimon.htm
The Poet and His Daimon
It is a very ancient view that occult purposes act from behind the exterior psychology to produce works of poetic excellence. For, all great poets have believed in invoking what they called the Muse: no poet denies that in his perfect moments a rare superhuman force rushes through his ordinary consciousness. However, in various poets the force functions in various ways. Byron did not believe that inspiration could come by sitting and waiting for it, and to disprove that Wordsworthian notion he conducted a series of experiments: evening after evening he sat with a pen in his hand and a sheet of paper in front of him, asking the Muse to come
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Adventures in Criticism/W.B.Yeast-Poet of Two Phases.htm
W.B. Yeats — Poet of Two Phases
Throughout his life W.B. Yeats followed a star above contemporary standards of poetic brilliance. But he was a writer of two phases and in the one which came later his wagon often pulled the star to which it had been hitched into the roadways of day-to-day speech, and showed how a high purpose could illumine tones and methods which in other hands prove an aesthetic failure. In the initial phase, however, he was at his richest from the viewpoint of poetry proper, for there the inspiration seems to be the most continual.
Secret Worlds and Human Heart-tones
This inspiration is a distinct type of Symbolism: it is surcharg
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