
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B12-C01-The Return to Earth.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B01-C03-The Yoga of the King-The Yoga of the Souls Release.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B03-C02-The Adoration of the Divine Mother.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B09-C02-The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B06-C01-The Word of Fate.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B01-C02-The Issue.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B02-C02-The Kingdom of Subtle Matter.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B07-C03-The Entry into the Inner Countries.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B05-C03-Satyavan and Savitri.mp3
Resource name: /Multimedia/Audio/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/Savitri/Savitri Readings by K D Sethna - B06-C02-The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain.mp3