
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /The Ashram/Special Visitors/B D Jatti/Basava Samithi.htm
Origin, Development and Activities of Basava Samithi: Great work by B.D.Jatti Basava Samithi, which has been in the forefront in propagating Basava Philosophy of Life and the Teachings of other Contemporary Sharanas of 12th Century across the world, came into being a way back in 1964 with the efforts of the Founder President, Former Vice-President of India Dr. B.D. Jatti.   Basava Samithi was set up by  Dr. B.D. Jatti, Former Vice -President of India in 1964, with a view to propaga
Resource name: /The Ashram/Special Visitors/B D Jatti/Biography.htm
A deeply religious man, Jatti was the founder president of the "Basava Samithi", a religious organisation which propagated the preaching of 12th century saint, philosopher and Hindu reformer Basaveshwara. He was also involved in various organizations concerned with social activities in his tenure as governor he was a greet help in building  karnataka Nilayam for Devotees of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. at pondicheryy, and also helped Sri Aurobindo Study centers in karnataka.   BD.Jatti did not miss any opportuni